EAG Inc.

How to Choose The Right Oil & Gas Software for Your Company

Senior leaders at your business may understand the importance of investing in quality oil and gas software, but they might not be sure which one to choose. It’s a costly business decision that you shouldn’t take lightly — one that could impact your company for years to come. So, before you commit to one software […]

Why are Software Evaluations Important for the Oil & Gas Companies?

Every successful business experiences growing pains, but few shocks feel as severe as when your oil and gas company realizes it needs to upgrade its software. You know that such improvements are necessary, but they can also be fraught with conflict and confusion, especially when you don’t have a clear software evaluation plan. We want […]

Navigating a Complex Transition

EAG takes another upstream oil and gas company to the NEXT LEVEL by implementing top of the line software and navigating a complex data conversion. This company is Houston-based and focused on the acquisition and development of oil and gas assets within various U.S. unconventional resource plays. They recently closed on an asset, which contained: The company […]

EAG Helps an Upstream Client Complete an Acquisition

NEW ASSET. NEW OPPORTUNITY. A Houston-based upstream company closed on a major acquisition, going from 1 Operated well to 760, 25 Non-Operated wells to 2,160, and 199 Land Agreements to 8,722. The company has a rapid growth strategy and intends to create a scalable organization with low overhead costs.   TIME CRUNCH, DATA CRUNCH. Their systems […]

EAG Knows Applications

EAG APPLICATION SUPPORT; DEFINED: Application Management & Support team is like healthcare for your technology landscape and key applications. Our EAG Application Support team is responsible for making sure your applications run smoothly by often responding to functional and technical problems that occur abruptly and require immediate attention. We create innovative solutions and deploy fixes around […]

7 Reasons Back-Office Outsourcing is the Ideal Strategy

A lot of work goes into cultivating a successful business. Unfortunately, many of those processes — such as human resources and information technology — have nothing to do with the actual product or service you’re delivering. When you hire a top-tier back-office outsourcing firm, professionals handle all of those essential administrative tasks on your behalf. In […]

5 Reasons Your Oil and Gas Company Needs Consultants

Even the most sophisticated oil and gas company will eventually run up against problems and opportunities outside of their expertise, especially if they want to expand. Thankfully, there are consultants who specialize in oil and gas and you can rely on their years of deep knowledge for guidance on your current or future situation. Some […]

How EAG Took A Clients’ Midstream Accounting Department To The Next Level.

EAG took a Midstream Oil & Gas company’s Accounting operations to the NEXT LEVEL by implementing a transparent, user-friendly, integrated reporting solution leveraging Microsoft’s reporting stack. This Houston-based company focuses on acquiring, developing, operating, and optimizing natural gas and natural gas liquids infrastructure throughout Texas and bordering states. Their success is based on unwavering commitment to their […]

How Data Integration Consulting Helps the Oil & Gas Industry

You walked into the office that morning seeking answers about a problem in your lead field office. According to the project lead, some discrepancies about key extraction and distribution processes had arisen, but you didn’t have a clear picture of the issues because of muddled data. The information was there amidst the reports from various […]

1Source New Project Alert

EAG Inc. recently started a new Technology Outsourcing & Services project with an E&P company located in Fort Worth, Texas. The company currently operates in the Anadarko Basin in Texas and Oklahoma. The company acquired assets that contains roughly 3,500 wells and 20,000 land agreements. This is a very large asset with associated field and […]