EAG Inc.

Benefits of Cloud Migration for Oil & Gas Companies

The oil and gas industry appreciates the value of infrastructure. The equipment we use to extract, ship, and process raw materials into consumer goods must always be in good working order. The same applies to the IT infrastructure used for computer systems. But in an era that requires accurate and timely data, your physical IT systems may be holding your company back. You need comprehensive cloud computing, and that starts with understanding the benefits of migrating to the cloud.

In this article, we discuss the lasting, enterprise benefits of migrating to the cloud. Now, before you get nervous about using an all-digital platform for all of your company’s data and other digital assets, rest assured most of us already use the cloud in our daily lives. From Google Drive, Dropbox, and the photos on your iPhone, you already know how convenient the cloud can be.

The same applies to the information you need to run your business, especially when it comes to storing and analyzing all of your information so you can make more educated decisions.

What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is the process of moving your company’s digital assets to the cloud. This includes data, programs, workflows, applications, and more. It can even include the digitization of old physical assets that are long overdue for an upgrade.

Think of it like placing the entire stock of pictures on your phone, computer, and old photo albums in an online file-sharing service that your entire family can access at any time. By placing all of your company’s materials on the cloud, you provide open and easy access to anything your employees need to do their jobs more effectively, no matter the time, location, or circumstance.

However, a truly successful cloud migration requires a thorough and transparent cloud migration strategy. At a minimum, you must account for the following items:

  • The amount of material to migrate
  • The amount of material to digitize before the migration
  • Who will organize the data to prep for the migration
  • Who will execute the migration, and how
  • Who will govern and maintain the data post-migration

In short, you will never experience the perks of migration if you don’t set it up for success with clear plans and support services.

5 Foundational Benefits of Cloud Migration

1. Security

We can hear you thinking, “Don’t I read about data breaches on the cloud in the news all the time?” That might be true, but those situations are extreme outliers. In fact, industry leaders predict that about 99% of security failures in the cloud will be caused by actual people, not technology.

Such claims include data storage and data transfers, as one of the prime reasons for adopting cloud computing. You need to ensure that your material is protected and can be moved safely and quickly in between offices and worksites.

Long story short, your information will be far safer in the cloud than it would be in your on-site servers, much less the physical binders and file folders full of paper.

2. Data Clarity

Oil and gas companies have made great strides of late with how they gather, sort, and access their data. But you’ll never reap the full benefits of those improvements if your data is siloed across teams and departments. With full-scale cloud adoption, you remove all barriers to that data and collect it in a unified location where anyone can view it.

We call it the “single screen.” A successful data migration creates a single data center where everyone can view data, important documents and proprietary intel. Additionally, to further safeguard your company’s assets, a successful cloud migration includes many complex and layered controls set by company leaders so only certain people can view sensitive information.

3. Cost-Savings

For many business leaders, lowering their IT expenses should be at the top of the list – and for good reason. Not only can they stop relying upon physical infrastructure that must be updated on a regular basis, but they can stop paying the multiple small charges that come with such equipment.

Migrating to a cloud-based digital world with your data means you only need to pay for the space you need when you need it. You won’t have to rent the servers and space for the servers, and you won’t have to pay for IT staff to monitor that equipment. The company will also save a tremendous amount of money on utility costs since you won’t have to pay to keep your server room at the optimum cool temperatures 24/7/365.

4. Process Improvement

Welcome to the logical extension of data clarity. When you can get the information you need without any trouble, you can increase the efficiency of how work gets done. The better organized your data after embracing your cloud solution, the more effective your business will be when working with that data. Thus, it helps if you follow that cloud migration strategy we mentioned earlier.

Thanks to your successful migration, you benefit from a full-screen view of anything you need. Your company can then create enhanced workflows that account for better and quicker data from your physical equipment on every worksite. Since your applications in the cloud can collect and sort with superior accuracy, you can give your people more time to analyze the information to make timely decisions.

5. Flexibility

Why should you migrate your information to the cloud? Because your business will be able to do more than ever before. You won’t be tied to physical limitations or outdated equipment. The best cloud computing platforms perform updates to their technology as soon as it’s ready for the system – all without you having to pay for new on-site technology.

With your data protected yet available anywhere, it’s easier for your company to scale up as you grow. There’s no need to purchase more space or employees to care for the infrastructure, as you’ve outsourced your data needs to a trusted expert

Your Oil and Gas Company Needs Top-Flight Cloud Consulting Services

The oil and gas industry handles vast quantities of data on a daily basis. Not only do you need a safe place to store it, but you need an effective way to access it, work with it, and make the right choices that will help you succeed. Yes, the process of moving everything to the cloud requires immense attention to detail in both the planning and execution stages, but the benefits are immeasurable to the current and long-term health of your business.

If your company wants to take advantage of cloud computing, but you need help preparing for the migration, you should contact EAG  Inc. today. Our trusted IT experts have decades of experience working with oil and gas companies. We can provide your leadership with the advice and insight they need to approach a cloud migration, devise a strategy, and execute effectively. Visit our website and contact us to learn more.