7 Tips for IT Best Practices
The amount of planning and organization that goes into creating a sustainable environment for your business’s technology cannot be overstated. Creating an effective IT infrastructure environment is not only tricky work, but it also requires deep technical and administrative know-how. Moreover, sound IT infrastructure management is not a “set it and forget it” arrangement — […]
8 Insider Tips for Better IT Services
Choosing an information technology (IT) services provider is a lot like purchasing a car. Some buyers look for how much glitz and glam is included, and others just want something that takes them from point A to point B. While there isn’t a right or wrong answer to the type of car you choose, when […]
Cloud Migration Strategy – the Types, the Implications,& the Costs
Since 2010, many companies have capitalized on Cloud Services, taking advantage of the large amounts of compute, memory, and storage that can be easily scaled up and down. However, there are still several industries that are reluctant to the change or remain cautious for various reasons. Terms and acronyms like, “SaaS”, “PaaS”, circulate their industry, […]
A Case for Cloud – Costs to Consider
It can be difficult to determine if a move to the Cloud makes financial sense for your company, but there are some techniques and tools that can be applied to build a business case. Jeff Hutchens is an EVP and Chief Operating Officer at a leading IT Outsourcing firm EAG, and he and his team […]
5 Top Traits of Leading Managed IT Service Providers
Thanks to the technology powering your office and worksites, you can produce quality work more efficiently than ever. You can share files, communicate across long distances, perform equipment maintenance, and collect essential data about all of it. But many business leaders can’t address problems with their digital systems because they’re focused on their core business […]