EAG Inc.

EAG Spotlight: Griffen Livermore

Meet Griffen Livermore, Senior Consultant at EAG. Griffen has 6+ years of oil and gas experience, and has led or participated in projects involving solutions development, data conversions, user acceptance testing, end-user training, report design and development, and more.

In his spotlight, Griffen shares his proudest moments at EAG, what inspires him, his life motto, and more! See below to learn more about Griffen.

1) How would you describe EAG?

EAG sets the bar for providing its clients the best trust and support the oil and gas industry has to offer.

2) What has been one of your proudest moments working at EAG?

The first time I was tasked with managing my own ERP implementation project for a brand new client. Navigating how to manage client satisfaction, multiple vendor teams, and EAG resources on top of overall timeline and budgets within a tight timeframe was both incredibly challenging and fully rewarding. There is a special rush you get when performing at the best of your abilities, the pressure is the highest, and everyone looks to you for leadership.

3) What advice do you have for prospective candidates that want to join EAG?

Your experience is what you make of the opportunities available to you. You will see an exponential return for the amount of work and commitment you are willing to put in.

4) What’s one thing – either industry-related or not – you learned in the last month?

The second you tell a vendor that the event you’re planning is a wedding they hike their rates up tremendously – I really see why it’s a multi-billion-dollar industry!

5) What do you like to do in your free time? Any favorite places you like to visit?

I maintain a lot of hobbies and a growing network of friends outside of work. The first thing I do when I finish a day of work is practice guitar and piano to unwind.

I love being around water – a cold drink by any lake or ocean at sunset is a day well spent.

6) Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I was a very quiet, introverted kid growing up.

7) How do you balance your career with other priorities?

It’s challenging, but doable. Managing projects and people takes a lot of physical and mental bandwidth. It’s imperative to learn early on how to give yourself mental breathers outside of working hours, but also remain prepared to deal with anything that’s thrown at you. Finding that balance can’t exactly be taught since everyone handles it differently – you tend to just figure it out with experience.

8) Who or what inspires you and why?

My future family. They deserve the best version of myself, and every day is a chance to be that person.

9) What is your life motto or favorite quote?

“Write your own eulogy and never stop revising it.”

Though recently I’ve begun adopting: “Every second counts.”

10) What’s your superpower?

My nickname at the previous firm I worked at was “The Renaissance Man”, and it’s a name that I’ve come to embrace. I enjoy being knowledgeable in a wide range of topics and constantly adding new skills to my belt. The superpower in this is being able to adopt new skillsets and apply them to solving client / project problems quickly.

The whole reason I pursued the consulting industry was because I did not want to be pigeon-holed into specializing in just one facet or skill: I would get bored way too quickly. The variety of clients, projects, and problems to solve makes consulting at EAG a great fit to my working style.

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